Monday, April 21, 2008

Lunch With The Boss

On Friday, we had a team lunch at an Indian restaurant in Bellevue. It was interesting food, but what was more interesting is how the LORD gave me an opportunity to witness to my boss.

We were driving back to the office after having lunch, and the boss was talking about a family who had been driving a van (a vehicle that the driver wasn't used to), and they had swerved and rolled the van over. Serveral family members were killed. His main point was that if you are driving a vehicle that you aren't used to, you need to be very careful, and understand the forces at work when you are driving a taller vehicle.

Since he had brought up the subject of death, and I had been praying for an opportunity to share the Gospel with him, I asked God to see where He would take this conversation, and I asked my boss, what he thought happened to someone after they died. At first, he just shugged his shoulders, and put his palms up, as if to say, I don't know, your guess is as good as mine. Subsequently, he being an (assumed) Hindu, told me about how he believed that you would be graded at the end of this life, and you would come back as another life form based on how well you did.

After he finished, I had the opportunity, in a testimonial fashion to explain the fact that we'd all have to stand before our Creator, and give an account of everything we'd done, said or even thought during this lifetime. Then I shared how I found myself to be a liar, thief, blasphemer and parent dishonorer, and I'd be in big trouble on Judgement Day. But the Good News was that God became a man in Jesus Christ, not only to live a perfectly innocent life in my place, but also to pay the penalty for my sins by dying on the cross.

My boss wasn't buying it, but I did get the honor of sharing the Gospel with him.

God bless...

Monday, April 14, 2008

Overwhelmed and Overjoyed

Saturday, April 12, 2008 was a day to remember. Actually, there was a sense of Deja vu. Ron and I went to Quest (Seattle Seahawk) Stadium to the "Seeds of Compassion" event featuring the Dali Lama. The Deja vu part was that this event seemed to be right out of any number of "End Times", type of Christian movies, where throngs of people go to see and worship the Anti-Christ. Not that the Dali Lama is the Anti-Christ, but he and his religion is certainly anti-christian.

As we arrived in the (I believe) the North parking lot, we saw literally thousands of people lined up, walking toward the entrance. I was kind of overwhelmed at the number of people going into this event. I wish I had enough boldness to open-air to the people in line.

We handed out, oh about five or six hundred tracts, and enjoyed the whole time. We got into a couple of one-on-one conversations and we were very encouraged. We also met a few other WayOfTheMaster evangelists handing out tracts and street preaching.

We handed tracts to people ranging from Buddists, to Hindus, to "so-called Christians", to Witches, to hippies, and many other types of people in between.

God bless...

Spreading the truth of Jesus Christ and the Good News that Salvation is available through Him.

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