The 80's called and they want their music back.
It is interesting how people jump to conclusions about what I'm preaching without even hearing what I've said. I had a slightly drunk gal yell at me, "you are not going to judge me about the music I listen to."
I had Joel J. with me.
It was a great night. I had a conversation with Eric and Adelinda. As well, with Taya.
Here's what I preached...
Loverboy fans, Survivor fans. Hi friends, can I call you friends? I'm your friend. We're neighbors, and Jesus said for me to love my neighbor, so I'm here to do just that. I'd like to share the Gospel with you. That word 'Gospel' is a bible word that means "good news". It's good news about how to survive death. Yeah, that's what I said, it's the good news about how to live after you die.
Jesus own words, He said, "I am the resurrection and the life, whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die, do you believe this?"
I mean it. But it is a sad fact that we will all die someday. Ten out of ten people die. One hundred percent of the human race will experience death sometime during their life. We all have an expiration date. We don't know the day of our death, but we will all die.
Why do we die? The bible says the reason we die is because of sin. It says "the soul that sins shall surely die", and "the wages of sin is death", and Romans 5:12 say, "just as sin entered the world through one man, and death came through sin, so death has spread to all men, for all have sinned." All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
So what is sin? Well, the bible says in first John 3:4 that sin is transgression of God's law. So if you've broken God's law, the Ten Commandments, you'd be a law breaker. You'd be a criminal in God's eyes. Now that might be a little offensive to you, me saying you're a law breaker. Me basically calling you a criminal in God's eyes. That probably offends you and I understand if you're offended. It's not my intent to offend you, but I want to be straight up with you. I must tell you the truth.
Now I presume that most of you would consider yourself to be a pretty good person. I'm sure you are, if you compare yourself to other people. But when you face God on judgement day you won't be compared to other people, you'll be judged based on the standard of righteousness. You'll be compared to God Himself, and he is righteous. He is absolutely pure, innocent, sinless, holy. And he will execute justice. His nature is just.
We hear the outcry for justice on our streets. We have this sense that the bad guy should get what he deserves. The reason we have this built-in sense of justice is because we are created in God's image. But let's see how you feel if I put you in the bad guys shoes. I'm going to interrogate you under the spotlight (so-to-speak) of God's law the ten commandments. I'm going to ask you a few questions based on the ten commandments. You don't have to answer to me (you can take the fifth), but remember God himself has seen everything you've ever done or said and even every thought that's ever gone through your head. The Bible says the eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good. And it says "everything will be laid open and bare before Him with we have to give an account."
[then I went on to go through the good person test, and present the Gospel message of how Jesus took the penalty for our sins by dying on the cross]
God bless...