Saturday, March 25, 2017

Silver Tips Playoff Fans Hear The Truth In Love

I was glad at one, but after I handed out a dozen or more Gospel tracts, I rejoiced at the Lord's goodness.

I had one seriously angry atheist walk by as I was preaching. He cursed me, flipped me off, and said, "you pray for me and I'll think for you." I just said God bless you man.  It was interesting how my message spoke right to that guy, The Truth in Love

Later, a young adult guy walked by while I was still preaching, and said, "turn it down, you’re too loud."   I said, I want everyone to hear. He said, "no one is Listening". I said, "you are, you're the one. You are the man God is after." He laughed, and tried to say, "no I'm not", but he saw the irony.

I received encouragement from Ken.

God bless...

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