Monday, August 27, 2007

Please respond if you want to join in!

Just so you know, I'd love to have additional seed sowers come along with me on my witnessing excusions, but right now, I don't have a real structured "team" per se. I've been contacted by a couple of others from, but so far, nothing has materialized. I've been going out to my personal fishing holes (sometimes with a brother from our Prison Ministry Group "Forgiven Choices) about every other week this summer.

I will be co-teaching an 8 week home-group based version of The Way of the Master on Friday evenings, starting on Sept 14, with a brother who attends a different church.

Tenatively, here are some ideas for upcoming outreaches
1. Evergreen State Fair - Monroe Fairgrounds - Aug 23 through Sept 3.
2. Feed Homeless in Seattle and/or Everett
3 Mukilteo Lighthouse Festival - Sept 1-2
4. Weekday early-morning or lunchtime outing to Snohomish County Court (witness to Jurors or others transacting business.)

God bless...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hi - have any advice for "school witnessing"? If you do, please comment on my sisters and my blog.

Spreading the truth of Jesus Christ and the Good News that Salvation is available through Him.

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