I got the opportunity to literally preach the Gospel yesterday at lunch, in the cafeteria, here at work. It is often strange how the topic of 'religion' will morph into the topic of eternity, salvation, judgement and hell.
Charlie was talking about how he was camping with some people in Utah, at Lake Powell one summer when it was 110 degrees in the daytime. How all the other people were partying and drinking all night, but when the sun came up, it was too hot to stay in the tent, so you had to get up. He couldn't understand how people kept going when they were staying up so late and getting up so early. He hadn't been drinking though, and people were asking him if he was Mormon, and he said, 'No, I just didn't drink' and shrugged his shoulders.
When the topic of Mormonism was raised, my boss, Rahul (a Hindu), said, 'Keith, what's the deal with Mormonism, they don't drink, they don't drink coffee, etc.' I said, "I really don't know about the coffee thing." Then Rahul said, 'is Mormonism Christianity, or an offshoot of Christianity, or a derivative of Christianity?'. I said, "Its a derivative of Christianity."
Then Rahul asked, 'What about all these other churches that I see, like Methodist, and Presbyterian, what are they?" I said, "those are Chistian churches, they just vary in form of worship and church government, and things like infant baptism and such. But the core beliefs. about Salvation (how to go to Heaven) are all pretty much in agreement."
Then Charlie piped in and said, "some of those churches believe in pre-destination, others don't. With pre-destination, they believe you don't have to do anything to go to heaven". I said, "I don't think they would say that."...
[Since that I found myself talking about salvation, I thought to myself, okay, here you go, and I went into explaining salvation and how God became a man in Jesus Christ, and what He did on the cross to die for our sins. I got to explain Judgement, Heaven, Hell, sin and the Law. Boy was I nervous. I don't know why, but that sure did get the adreneline going.]
Anyways, no one was believing what I was saying, but I was blessed to have the opportunity to share the Gospel. They were peppering me with questions, about Hell and Judgement.
Praise the LORD for the opportunity. Pray that their hearts will be softened. I hope I said the right things. I do care for their souls and pray for their salvation.
God bless...