Friday, October 05, 2012

God Is Glorified At WWE Raw

The Comcast Arena in Everett hosted the WWE Raw event tonight.   We parked several blocks away from the arena, next to Clark Park, and immediately noticed a group of young people hanging out in the park.   Thomas and Dennis engaged the youths, and I was particularly impressed with how Dennis led the young man Jayland through the Biblical proofs of God and then told the young man how Christ died on the cross for him.   Jayland didn't quite understand how one man's death could provide forgiveness for the entire human race.   Dennis deferred to me, and I explained how God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.  Jayland seemed to appreciate the answer.

Then we walked the several blocks to the Comcast arena. We were privileged to hand out hundreds of Gospel tracts and engage several people one-to-one.  I was so pleased to see the number of children with parents attending the event.  It gave me great comfort to think that this was more of a family event, than a rowdy adult event.

We quickly let compassion swallow our fears and stepped up on the 'box', and began to proclaim the Gospel and glorified God in Jesus Christ.   We explained the sin problem and the need for a Savior.  Then we described the birth, life, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and pleaded for people to respond in repentance and faith.

It was very encouraging that we got a few 'Amens' while we were speaking, and I even had a guy come up after I finished, and shake my hand and tell me the name of the church he attended.

Praise the Lord for His faithfulness even when I am faithless.

God bless...

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