I took a moment to consider what I ought to do, and I realized I should grab some tracts and go see if the kids would still be out there by the time I got there. I did and they were. I'm always afraid that the kids will leave when they see me walking up, but they didn't high-tail it, like has happened a few times before. As I got nearer, I saw (and smelled) the girls smoking cigarettes.
I gave them million dollar bill Gospel tracts and asked them if I could share the Gospel with them. They both politely said no thank you. They said they didn't believe in God, and their families were Christians and went to church (they mentioned a local church), but their families recognized their non-belief, and just kind of left them alone, when it came to that stuff.
I said, well, maybe I might say something that could change that. They both kind of shrugged, and so I continued on to share the Law and the Gospel with them. They were both pretty engaged, and participated in the conversation. I urged them to consider what I'd told them, and to put their trust in Jesus Christ as their savior.
Please pray for Linley and Arianna.
The MILLION DOLLAR question: Are you good enough to go to Heaven? Answer honestly: Have you ever lied, stolen (regardless of value), or looked with lust? Jesus said "whosoever looks at a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." Guilt results in an eternal Hell because God is Holy. Imagine a man in a courtroom; a criminal guilty of serious crimes. He is tried, convicted, and sentenced to life or a fine of a MILLION DOLLARS. when the judge steps down and pays his fine! Even though he's still guilty, his fine has been paid and justice has been satisfied! The judge was both merciful and just. This is what Jesus did for sinners. While fully God and fully man, Jesus lived a sinless life. In love He took the wrath of God and penalty for sin on Himself on the Cross. Then He rose from the grave, showing the penalty paid. What should you do? God commands you to repent and trust in Jesus ALONE. Don't trust in "good works.? Cry out to God for mercy and put your faith in Jesus, confessing and forsaking sins. God will change your heart so you will desire Holiness. Make peace with God today; you may not have tomorrow. Eternity is worth much more than a MILLION DOLLARS!
God bless...
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