Sunday, June 30, 2013


We had a wonderful afternoon preaching the Gospel at the Westlake Center in Seattle.   The street preachers were out in force... See here for other blogs...

I was passing out Coexist Gospel tracts.

"COEXIST" Gospel Tract  - 100ct pckg (2" x 3-1/2")

Lots of good conversations, lots of good preaching, lots of lost people.

Here's what I had planned on saying...

Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs.   It is not my intent to shove my religion down your throats.   Although I am aiming for your ears.  I don’t want to offend you.   I care about you.   I love my neighbor.   I’m seriously concerned for you.   That's why I’m compelled to come here and proclaim, to preach, to tell you the message, the story, the Good News.  As awkward as this might seem, this message is so important, I’m willing to stand here and share this good news with you.   I’m not here to tell you how to live your life, I have enough trouble living my own, but I am here to point you to the One who will give you eternal life and new life for here and now.   Jesus Christ said, “I am the Way, the truth and the Life and no one comes to the Father except through Me.”

If you take what I say as promoting religion, you are sadly mistaken. Man made religion produces pedophilic priests, wars, terrorists, (even in the form of abortion clinic bombers).   Man made religion produces hypocritical, self-righteous, pompous money-grabbers.   Religion just covers up hate, violence, thefts, fraud, rape, murder, assault, drug addiction... Literally, all these things are the symptoms of a deeper problem.

The Law goes here...
The Gospel goes here...
Describe the new birth...

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