Saturday, October 01, 2005

Saturday Morning Diversity

This morning started earlier than most Saturdays. At 5:20am I woke up, and I started thinking about the day, so there was no going back to sleep.

We have a men's Bible study on Saturday mornings, from 7:00am to 9:00am. It is a motley group of men, but we love the LORD and have great fellowship and study of His Word. We go through the Bible, one chapter at a time, and this morning, we studied and discussed Ephesians, chapter 4.

To me, the take away was to be mature in the LORD required being filled with the Holy Spirit, and letting Him renew our minds. If there is any bitterness, wrath, anger or malice, we grieve the Holy Spirit. We ought to be tenderhearted, kind and forgiving of one another, as Christ forgave us.

Plans for the day: the local YMCA is having a "Diversity Celebration" from 11 to 2. LORD willing, I can go down there and hand out a few "curved illusion" tracts, and witness to someone about the salvation that God offers, through Jesus Christ. Pray for me, if you would.

God bless...

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