Thursday, October 06, 2005

Straight At Me

Yesterday evening, my wife and I were headed out to Mervyns, for some great sale they were having. I was out standing in the driveway, waiting for my wife to come out of the house. I saw a young man (high school age) coming down the street, in my direction, on the opposite side of the street. I reached in my jacket pocket, and prayed LORD, please give me the courage to give this young man a Pocket Gospel of John. I thought, how am I going to get his attention, since he is on the opposite side of the street.

Then, to my amazement, the guy crosses the street and seemingly walks straight at me. He had headphones on, and the heavy metal music was turned up so high I could hear it. As he walked by me, I held out the Pocket Gospel and caught his attention. He took off the headphones and asked, "what's that?"

I answered, "its a Bible, here you go" and gave it to him. He seemed kind of startled. I asked him, "do you read the Bible much?"

He said, "no, but thanks a lot, I really appreciate this." And he walked off and around the corner and down the hill.

You never know how the LORD may bring someone who needs His loving message of life, across your path. Someone may end up coming straight at you, so that you can give His Word to them.

God bless...

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