Sunday, December 29, 2013
Snowflake Lane Bellevue
Sunday, December 08, 2013
Jingle Bells Concert - Comcast Arena 12/8/2013
We received amazing favor from God . Hundreds heard the Gospel without amplification. Many young people listened intently and came up afterwards and thanked us. Only a few minor heckles but sadly much indifference. One supposed Christian girl tried to hinder the Gospel proclamation, telling me that this wasn't the way to do it. I rebuked her and told her she wasn't a Christian, but a hypocrite.
It was a phenomenal evening, albeit cold, to proclaim the Good News, that "Unto us is born this day a Savior, which is Christ the LORD.".
God bless...
Saturday, December 07, 2013
Bitter Cold at the Everett Gospel Mission
It was a very successful mini-mission trip.
The team was Julie, and I, Emily, Denise, Becky and her husband Blaine.
I handed out Santa Million Dollar bill Gospel tracts, and had the opportunity to preach the Gospel to those waiting in line to get into the mission.
Caterpillars don’t Sky Dive
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Mission inn festival of lights
After a day of driving around southern California on a nostalgia trek to see all the houses I lived in, I thought I would stop at the mission inn in Riverside. I didn't realize there would be a huge festival going on. So I picked a corner and commenced reading Luke 1 and 2 and preaching the gospel for 2.5 hours. I was encouraged by so many people and even prayed for by several. A few other street evangelists stopped and chatted and prayed. One guy introduced me to his wife and then called his mom over and introduced us. By the end of the night I even shared the corner with another gospel preacher.
It was a huge festival and a huge blessing to preach the coming of King Jesus.
P.S. A tablet is the bomb for nighttime scripture reading outdoors.
God bless...
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Four Guys on a Dark Trail
Four early twenties men went on the trail for the second time this evening, so I grabbed my flashlight and went down to the greenbelt trail.
These four men (one of them French), were very cordial and patient with me as we bantered back and forth about life, and forgiveness and the Good News. They listened as I explained what it meant to be 'born-again', and why that was Good News. One of them even shined the spotlight of his phone on me while we spoke.
May God grant a desire for Himself in these men.
God bless..
Saturday, November 09, 2013
I’m Not Here To Cast stones -Bellevue
Video to come...
Here's the message I had planned on delivering, but the LORD had something else in mind...
Saturday, October 26, 2013
A Personal Story - My Uncle Steve
May God sink His Word, deep into peoples hearts.
I grew up around motorcycles, and rode motorcycles when I was young. I understand the adrenaline mindset. I’m familiar with the X-Games culture. I get with the “Go for it” attitude. Oh, but there was one thing I omitted about my uncle Steve; he passed away not long ago. And I only say that to remind us all that our time here on earth is finite. We will all come to the end of our life at some point.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
PETA Folks Hear The Gospel at the Barnum & Bailey Circus
Then there was a mom and a grandma who had brought their kids to the circus, who were in line almost right in front of me while I was preaching. They kept asking me to stop. Finally they started singing songs to try to drown out the Gospel message. Very sad. Then there was the guitar thrashing, harmonica blowing guy, trying to drown out the Gospel, the whole time we were preaching.
After I finished preaching, the rest of my team arrived, and they took up the preaching duties. At that time, the 21 year old young man (Josh) came up to me crying and confessing sin. He told me he had made some bad decisions and had been in jail the night before. His x-girlfriend came to his apartment, with her new boyfriend, and Josh had gotten into an altercation with the boyfriend, and had gotten taken to jail. I was able to pray with Josh, and just encourage him to repent and trust Jesus and he would come out of this alright.
One approach many take to try to appease their conscience is to do good, to try to outweigh their bad. Its kind of like trying to pay for your sins by doing what is right. The thought goes, if I just give enough, if I am kind enough, if I am honest enough, and work hard enough, God is obligated to let me into heaven. Not so, the Bible says, “not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy has He saved us, by the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Spirit.” Every religion says you must 'do', 'do', 'do' to be right with God, but true Biblical Christianity, says "it is finished." The work of salvation was completed by Jesus Christ dying on the cross for our sins. Trying to earn your way to heaven is like trying to bribe the Judge of the universe to turn a blind eye to your sin.
Many try to silence and drown out their conscience by drinking, or taking drugs. Continually going from one party to the next. They numb the pain, the shame and the insecurity of a guilty conscience by self medicating, rather than addressing the root of the problem. It doesn’t have to be drinking or drugs that you use to suppress and ignore your conscience. It could be anything that distracts you from the seriousness of sin. It’s called Idolatry, and we make idols out of things like professional athletes, musicians, or movie stars. But it could even be good things like family, friends, career or education, that can become the focus of our lives rather than putting God first. God doesn't want just to be on the top of the list, He wants to be number one on a list of one; nothing else should even compare to the love and devotion we have for God. The first commandment is You shall have no other gods before Me. The second commandment is You shall not make for yourself idols. And Jesus said, “The greatest commandment is you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength." If you live for yourself, your desires, your wants, your self-gratification, you will lose your life. If you live for God, to bring honor to Him, to glorify Him, to put Him first, you will not only gain eternal life, but you will receive new life here and now. Luke 9:23-26 Jesus said, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily,and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it. For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his own soul? For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, of him the Son of Man will be ashamed when He comes in His own glory, and in His Father’s, and of the holy angels.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
UW Husky Stadium - Time is Short, Eternity is Forever
God displayed His grace in a couple of ways today. First, He kept the weather nice for me (Thank you Lord.). Second, he stationed a Christian policeman five yards from me. I found out the policeman was a Christian after I had been preaching about an hour, and I took a break. The officer came up and told me he agreed with every word I said, and it was the truth. He told me there was a bottled water sitting over on the hood of the police car, for me. He said he had been praying for me. I was extremely grateful, for the prayer and the water. God just shined a huge ray of sunshine into my life right there today.
I continued preaching for about another hour.
When the game had started, and I was wrapping it up, and getting ready to leave, a guy came to me and gave me a ticket, and asked if I would find someone to give the ticket to. So I did. I stood back up on my stool and offered a free ticket to anyone. And sure enough, after about 5 minutes I found a taker. He was a little confused as to the free ticket, but I said no its for real, and I gave him a Bible too.
Then as I headed back toward the University, I walked through the parking lot where all the tailgater parties had been taking place, handing out Gospel tracts to the drunk fans. I gave Gospel tracts to three or four girls, and they asked what these were and I told them Gospel tracts. They said, oh, we're Christians, (as they were sucking on beers.) I said, oh, no you're not, not drinking that beer you're not. They said Jesus got drunk. I said, nope, Jesus never got drunk. They said "well, he made and drank wine." I said, yes, but he never got drunk. Being a drunkard, means you're not a Christian. She said, well, let's just say I'm buzzed. I said, "Buzzed driving is drunk driving." Then some guy walked up out of nowhere and said he was going to smack me. I said why would you say a thing like that? He said, because you're being mean. All I said was being a drunkard means you're not a Christian. He said that Bible is written by men. I said yes, but it was inspired by God. Then the girls said, we're Catholic, and I said, that's not Christian. Then the guy got really serious; He said, well I love having sex. I said, there you go you love your sin. And I walked away.
God bless...
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Common Misconceptions - Everett Silvertips
I had one good encounter with a non-believing, idolatrous, scientist.
I preached for about an hour. I got 41 minutes of audio.
I was encouraged by several people, even one who called himself 'not religious', but commended me for my conviction.
God bless...
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Tyler, Taylor and Sam
I was pleased that Tyler and Taylor stayed and talked with me. Even as Tyler held a bong with the bowl filled and a lighter in his hand.
Taylor said he went to church, but he didn't think smoking marijuana was wrong. I gave him a few things to go look up in the Bible. The word is 'sorcery', which is 'pharmakia' in the Greek, which means drugs.
I had the pleasure of sharing the Gospel with these young men, and they seemed willing to listen and consider life, mortality, judgement, righteousness and forgiveness through Jesus' death, burial and resurrection.
[addendum: I told the young men, I did much worse things than this. I was no better than them, but that doesn't give them excuse to rebel against the Lord.]
I am praying that God will reveal Himself in His righteousness to Tyler, Taylor and Sam.
God bless...
Friday, August 30, 2013
Everett Silvertips: Hear the proclamation of the Gospel
I took my Bible and my stool and my PA and went about an hour before the game was to begin. I prayed extra hard before I began, since being alone is extra scary. The instant I began to preach I could see the arena ushers begin calling someone. Sure enough, within a couple of minutes, a manager came out and told me city ordinances forbade amplification.
So I began almost an hour's worth of lifting my voice like a trumpet. God was very gracious. There were a couple times I thought I was losing my voice, but God kept me going.
Once the game began, I took a walk around downtown Everett and handed out Gospel tracts.
God is so good to me. I don't deserve it at all.
God bless...
Saturday, August 17, 2013
HempFest: Repent and Trust Jesus Christ
The HempFesters were overall a pretty good group of people to preach to. They were interactive. They were negative. But I strove to keep a positive tone, and preach the Gospel. I didn't shy away from sin one bit. I publicly read a bunch of scripture. Spoke one-to-one to very many people. And generally, received a pretty good response. By 'good', I mean they weren't agreeing with what I was saying, and they told me so; in so many ways. I preached to the folks as they were lining up to go in. It was a prime time and location for the Gospel of Jesus to be presented.
God is very good though. He has prepared me for this time.
Even with a PA system, I still lost my voice after about 3 hours of preaching.
There was a group of open air evangelists from Los Angeles there.
Videos to come...
Here is what I had planned to say, by way of an intro:
When I found out that the Seattle Police Department was going to be handing out bags of chips today, I was reminded about this week. I bought a bag of chips in the breakroom at work. I started eating, and they were stale. Although they hadn't reached the expiration date printed on the bag, they were stale. And I threw them away.
Think about this; we all have an expiration date. Death is a sure thing. Ten out of ten die. Death is the only 100% statistic. Some avoid taxes, but no one avoids death. The Bible says, "Life is but a vapor... here today and gone tomorrow". We don't know how or when, but we will die. We don't plan on it. No one puts it on their daily planner, but someday, death will come for each and every one of us.
You were not created to die though. Death is not your friend, and it was never your intended destiny. The funeral is not the finish and the grave is not the goal.
You have two choices; two paths you could take. If this is all there is and there is nothing after life, then go for the gusto. Live life to the fullest. Party hard.
Or, you could seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.
If this is all you get, then "eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die." But this isn't all there is. It is appointed unto man once to die and then comes the judgement. God had appointed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness....
The Law goes here...
The Gospel goes here...
The New Birth goes here...
God bless...
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Highlights from Friday Night
The Lord did place a sense of urgency on us as we prayed. We walked down to the traffic circle in Edmonds and began preaching and handing out Gospel tracts.
Then we walked over to the entrance to the festival, across from the Edmonds city hall. Thomas was preaching, and Loyd-the-Buddhist came up and engaged me in a conversation. I urged him to understand the good news of what God had done for him in Jesus Christ, but he was a typical relativist. The Bible was just words, he said. At that same time, a couple of cops came up with a festival official. There had been complaints, but the cop rather addressed our doctrinal/theological perspective. The cop was way off base. Anyways, they reprimanded Thomas, and instructed us to turn off the personal amplifier if we wanted to preach. We complied, and actually moved on.
I went back to the traffic circle and read Isaiah 53, and preached the Gospel. Then I saw my friends Tim and Dorothy. They came by after I finished preaching, and we had a good time of fellowship and encouragement. At that same time, a lady parked her car, and came up to encourage us and thank us for speaking the name of Jesus.
Later on, we went to another entrance and preached the Gospel, and had several good conversations with people. The main one that stands out was when a man named Andrew stopped. He was probably in his mid-twenties, and he stopped right in front of me while I was preaching. I stopped and greeted him, and he said he was a believer in Jesus Christ and he was saved. We talked for a while and I asked him if he was living for God every day and following the Lord. He was very honest and replied, "no, that it was hard to do." Thomas and I had a chance to encourage him to trust whole-heartedly in the Lord, and rest in Jesus. We encouraged him to read his Bible every day and find a Bible-teaching church where he could fellowship. We asked him if we could pray for him and he said he would gladly receive prayer. We prayed for him to be strengthened in his walk with the Lord, by the Holy Spirit. After we prayed he was very thankful and expressed that he had gotten very emotional while I was praying for him. I pray Lord that you would make this a turning point for Andrew, that he would get on fire for you Lord.
God bless...
Wednesday, August 07, 2013
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Street Preaching with Laryngitis at AquaFest
I had a cold this week, and so I almost canceled. But I thought, even if I just pass out tracts, it would be worthwhile.
It turned out to be a great time of preaching Jesus to the people attending the festival. Many one-to-one conversations were had. Many hundreds of Gospel tracts were handed out.
It is a very good thing for personal amplifiers.
I even got to read from Isaiah 43:10 and Galatians chapter 1 to the Mormon missionaries.
Some video to follow...
God bless...
Saturday, July 20, 2013
What First Amendment Right?
We decided to walk toward the center of activity toward the beer garden and the music. As we were walking, we noticed there was wooden stage set up with no one on it, so we commandeered it and I began to preach the Gospel. I felt like I was getting good responses from people. Most people were just walking by and just ignored the preaching, but some were listening. I got a few minor heckles, but nothing dramatic. When all of a sudden, a gal with a clipboard and an official festival shirt came huffing up and ordered me off the stage. Initially, I said I would be done in 5 minutes, but she was undeterred. So I complied, and stepped down off of the stage. I asked her where we could go and preach, and she said we were not allowed to anywhere in the festival. I again, asked where we were allowed to preach, she said no where, you need to leave. We pointed out that this was public property and she said, all these other vendors had paid money to come here. I again pointed out that where we were standing was public property, and she said, "well then, I will have to call the police." I said, "yes please." She walked away, and we never saw her again.
We set up at a corner and pastor Andrew preached his heart out.
Then it was Thomas's turn and he proclaimed the Gospel with great intensity, urgency and compassion.
After that we walked over to the God Mobile and preached a couple times, but the vendors in that area started yelling at us.
So we went back to 1st street and began preaching and walking and it was a very good experience. Again, we received very good, encouraging responses from many people. There was the occasional heckler, saying, "blah, blah blah, etc."
I believe God was glorified in our preaching and handing out hundreds of tracts today. Certainly the good seed was sown.
God bless and bless God...
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Mill Creek Festival - Preach, Reprove, Rebuke, Exhort with all Longsuffering

Sunday, June 30, 2013
I was passing out Coexist Gospel tracts.

Lots of good conversations, lots of good preaching, lots of lost people.
Here's what I had planned on saying...
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Marysville Strawberry Festival
Although I did read 1 Corinthians 6:9 as loud as I could to the 'Beer Garden'. Shame on you Kiwanis.
By the end of the evening though, I was somewhat discouraged by all the lewdness and drunkenness at the carnival.
As it grew later in the evening, and darkness fell, the mood also became darker.
God bless...
Friday, June 14, 2013
Happy Fathers Day
It Only Took [about] Five Years
Fast forward to yesterday. That same neighbor has let his front yard become a jungle. The grass was over three feet tall. I decided I would ask the man if I could mow his lawn for him for $20. I went up to his door and rang the door bell. When he answered, I asked him if I could mow his lawn for $20, and he looked at me sideways, smirking, as if thinking, "do you know what your getting yourself into?" Finally, he said okay, I don't know if I have $20 though. I said, that's okay, you can pay me later.
Two hours later, having finished mowing and filling up 2 green waste trash cans, I went up and rang the door bell. He came out with $20 in hand. He gave it to me and thanked me profusely. Then I said, "here's your change, in the form of a million dollar bill. I said, "Its a Gospel tract for you to read when you get a chance." He took it, looked at it and thanked me and I left.
Sometimes it can take a little persistence to get a Gospel tract into someone's hand.
God bless...
Saturday, June 08, 2013
Willis Tucker Park Farmers Market
My fears were unfounded. We handed out dozens of tracts, and got into a few conversations with people. I saw some familiar faces, but I don't think they recognized me. It didn't turn out to be a conducive place to preach the Gospel out loud, but the tracts were well received.
Then afterward, we had a great evening of fellowship with Thomas and Whitney and Conner, Chloe, and Jacob. [it was hilarious to see the kids on the treadmill, and to be able to get out some old toys that we had and watch the kids play with them.]
God bless
Thursday, June 06, 2013
Carrying Their Water Bottles
Spreading the truth of Jesus Christ and the Good News that Salvation is available through Him.